News — Quiet time
Shut Down The Excuses
Daily devotion Devotion for today Do better faith goals find the treasures Goal setting Gods plan I don't do New Year's Resolutions Journaling No more excuses positive mindset Quiet time Quiet time with God shut down the excuses

I can't believe it's already been 12 days since we turned the page to a brand-new year, and I still haven't finished setting my goals for 2022. I've started, but they're not complete. This holiday season was very busy for my family. Busy with hard things, sad things, life changing things, loss. Even with all of that, I know deep down inside that these are not good excuses to not get it done!
7 Tips For Praying Powerful Prayers
How to pray powerful prayers Pray for forgiveness Pray for others Pray powerful prayers Prayer Prayer changes me Prayer changes things Quiet time Still small voice

5 Steps to a Morning Quiet Time
Build your faith Crazy faith Morning quiet time Quiet time Quiet time with God