How to Cope When Worry Gets Out of Control

Bible study tools coping with anxiety inspirational bible verses scripture cards worry

With our fast-paced lifestyles today, it’s no wonder we can sometimes find worry and anxiety creeping in. Whether it’s the tensions that can come from our work, relationships, finances, or life in general, the stressful feelings can take over and make us feel as though someone is standing on our chest. So what can we do to effectively manage and overcome these anxious moments when trepidation, restlessness or sleepless nights start drifting in? It’s as close as your Bible or as easy as flipping through a set of Truepost scripture cards.

Dive in to Wisdom and Encouragement Form Scripture

Worry is a natural part of life, but when it becomes all-consuming, thankfully, the Bible offers us much guidance, wisdom and encouragement to help us navigate these out of control feelings. Take for instance the scripture from 1 Peter 5:7. "Cast all your anxiety on HIM because HE cares for you." These words right from scripture, instruct us specifically to cast it... throw or launch it. In other words, we were not meant to carry it. As a matter a fact, it tells us to give it to Jesus.

Scripture card on anxiety and worry with 1 Peter 5:7 printed over a photo of hot air balloons. Bible verse gift idea. Gifts with Bible verse on them.

How comforting is that? Jesus actually instructs us to let it go, throw it, launch it, and give it to HIM. I don't know about you, but I love this!

Bible Study Tools to the Rescue: Scripture Cards

Whether it's you, a friend or family member trying to cope with anxiety and worry, Bible study tools like scripture cards can be very helpful. Carried around throughout the day as a handy companion for those moments of anxiety, scripture cards make such an amazing tool. For example, each card in the "Confronting Anxiety and Worry" scripture card set from Truepost, is thoughtfully crafted with Bible verses that will speak directly to the anxious heart and be a reminder of how God instructs us to handle the worry and is also a reminder of HIS promises. Check them out right here:

Imagine pulling out a card right before a stressful meeting, while you’re waiting to go in to a doctor appointment, or anytime a worrisome thought comes to mind—suddenly, the weight of worry starts to lift as you focus on God’s word. 

The Bible is Filled With Scriptures That Address Worry

As an example, Philippians 4:6-7 reassures us to “be anxious for nothing, but in everything, by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.”

Scripture card on anxiety from Philippians 4:6-7 printed over a photo of flowers in a field. Daily scripture card.

These words are not just comforting; they’re a reminder that when we have feelings of anxiousness, to go to God in prayer, thanking HIM for what HE has already done for us and ask HIM to help us through our feelings. With this invitation, we can freely bring our worries to God and have the expectation that HE will hear us.

How to Incorporate Scripture Into Your Daily Routine
  1. Morning Quiet Time: One of the most powerful things you can do is simply set aside a few quiet moments each day to read scriptures, pray, and listen. This daily ritual doesn’t have to be complicated...just a few minutes of focused Bible study can transform your mindset and calm your anxious thoughts. 

  2. Midday Check-ins: Whenever you feel anxiety creeping in, take a moment to pause and read a verse. It’s a quick yet effective way to re-center yourself and find calm.

  3. Evening Reflections: End your day by reflecting on a Bible verse or journaling about how God has worked in your life. This can be a soothing way to unwind and prepare for restful sleep.

Embrace the Power of Scripture

Incorporating Bible study tools, like scripture cards, into your life can be a game-changer for working through anxiety and finding peace. By making time each day to read, pray, and listen, you’re not only nurturing your own spiritual well-being but also equipping yourself to support others in their times of need. Remember, the Bible is a source of endless encouragement, and with each verse, you’re drawing closer to a calm and centered state of mind.

So next time worry gets out of control, reach for those scriptures, or give scripture cards as a gift to someone who is struggling and let the wisdom of the Bible be the guide toward peace. It's just a Bible verse away! Order a set of Truepost scripture cards here:

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