News — Jesus freak
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ambassador for Christ begin a relationship with GOd Believe in Jesus build others Build your faith Christian Easter gift Christian gift Christian responsibility compass rose Daily devotion deepen the relationship with God Do better elevate the name of Jesus Faith Faith gift Follow Jesus Gifts that encourage Gifts that inspire Jesus Jesus freak Jesus lovers Jesus loves you Pass it on Reading his word Salvation Share Jesus Share the good news Share the good news of Christ Strength through Christ The great commission the love of Jesus true north Truepost Trust God

If you're a person of faith, I'm sure there have been many times you've looked for an encouraging and faith-based way to celebrate a holiday, a life event or just say thank you to someone. We hope by now, you've found that Truepost has equipped you with exactly what you were looking for... thought provoking, soul-stirring scripture card sets for gift giving. Our goal is to take the recipient on a beautiful journey, through powerful scriptures, striking photography, captivating devotions, that assist in beginning or deepening a relationship with GOD, creating a path for HIM to show up and provide inspiration, right in the middle of the struggle or celebration....
6 Steps to Becoming a Jesus Freak
Belief Daily devotion Faith Fix your thoughts on what is true Forgive others Forgiveness Help with forgiveness influencer with perfect track record Jesus Jesus freak Jesus gifts Jesus loves Jesus loves you Love your neighbor's Mature Morning quiet time Quiet time with God Still small voice What would Jesus do Wisdom wwjd