News — Come close to God
Creating A Morning Quiet Time With God
Ask God to come close Build stronger faith Build your faith Come close to God Conversations with Jesus Create a morning quiet time with God developing a personal relationship with God How to pray powerful prayers In the morning God hears your prayers Journaling Journaling ideas Meditate on scripture Never stop praying Practice gratitude Pray for forgiveness Pray for others Pray powerful prayers Prayer Prayer changes me Prayer changes things Praying your way through reflect Spiritual practice

Navigating the Heartbreak
Ask God to come close Come close to God heartbreaking Navigating the Heartbreak Prayer Prayers for peace Prayers for protection Robb Elementary School shooting Senseless tragedy Texas trust in God Trust in you Uvalde

All of us everywhere are completely struggling with what happened at Robb Elementary School this week in Uvalde, Texas. It's just heartbreaking! The senseless deaths. The feelings of sadness, hopelessness and anger. Plus, all the questions, including "why did this happen?" "How could someone do this?" "Is there really a God who cares?"