News — Conversations with Jesus
Creating A Morning Quiet Time With God
Ask God to come close Build stronger faith Build your faith Come close to God Conversations with Jesus Create a morning quiet time with God developing a personal relationship with God How to pray powerful prayers In the morning God hears your prayers Journaling Journaling ideas Meditate on scripture Never stop praying Practice gratitude Pray for forgiveness Pray for others Pray powerful prayers Prayer Prayer changes me Prayer changes things Praying your way through reflect Spiritual practice

The Sacred Mind and Heart
Conversations with Jesus Daily devotion Morning quiet time Morning routine putting down the cell phone putting down the electronics read God's word daily Sacred heart Sacred mind take a break from social media the social media trap

A Devotion for Today
Conversations with Jesus Daily devotion Devotion for today Faith God speaks through HIS word How to pray powerful prayers Morning quiet time Morning routine Mornings with God Never stop praying Pray for forgiveness Pray for others Pray powerful prayers Prayer Prayer changes things Quiet time with God Reading his word Wisdom

Conversations With Jesus
Conversations with Jesus Morning routine Prayer Reading his word Still small voice Wisdom