News — Jesus gifts

6 Steps to Becoming a Jesus Freak

Belief Daily devotion Faith Fix your thoughts on what is true Forgive others Forgiveness Help with forgiveness influencer with perfect track record Jesus Jesus freak Jesus gifts Jesus loves Jesus loves you Love your neighbor's Mature Morning quiet time Quiet time with God Still small voice What would Jesus do Wisdom wwjd

6 Steps to Becoming a Jesus Freak

To become a "Jesus Freak," we must recognize that even though our human nature may sometimes lead us down the path of unforgiveness, bitterness, spitefulness and unkindness, we must always remember that we'll never find Jesus in those places! It's in these times, that we must get on our knees and ask Jesus to forgive us and help us make better decisions.

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Two Things To Put in Easter Baskets Other Than Chocolate?

Christian Easter gift Easter cards Easter gifts for adults Easter gifts for kids Easter gifts for women inspirational gifts Jesus gifts Resurrection cards Super cute gifts Things to put in Easter basket's other than chocolate What to put in Easter baskets that's not chocolate

Two Things To Put in Easter Baskets Other Than Chocolate?

What two things can you put in your Easter basket's other than chocolate? Check it out! For your kiddos and any adults, how about these cuties? They'll say more than a chocolate bunny ever could and will be the perfect addition to every Easter basket!

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