News — Love your neighbor's
Why Forgiveness Is So Important
a love like no other ambassador for Christ Easter gifts for adults Easter gifts for women Faith Faith gift find his sheep Follow Jesus For God so loved the world Forgive others Forgiveness Gifts that encourage Gifts that inspire God loves you God's power Greatest commandment His power His strength not mine Holy Spirit hope How to forgive Jesus Jesus friend Jesus love Jesus loves you Keep the faith Let others see Jesus in me Lost and then found Lost sheep Love your neighbor's Pass it on Why forgiveness is important

Martin Luther King Jr. and His Messages of Love
be better Come together Common sense Do better Greatest commandment Healthy conversations I have a dream Jesus lovers love not hate Love your neighbor's Martin Luther King Jr. messages MLK quotes

Today as we honor the life of Martin Luther King Jr., we continue to look to him for encouragement and rationality, in a world that seems to have gone completely mad. We can benefit so greatly by adopting and practicing more of what he tried to teach us over 50 years ago. Those messages of love not, hate. Messages of unity, acceptance, full of common sense. Messages very similar to those of Jesus Christ.
It's Time to Cancel the "Cancel Culture"
American culture American Dream American is not racist Cancel culture Cancel the cancel culture Civil debate Come together Common sense Communication Crazy political posts Healthy conversations Love your neighbor's Negative social media posts Public shaming Racism Systemic racism Whiteness Woke WWJD

6 Steps to Becoming a Jesus Freak
Belief Daily devotion Faith Fix your thoughts on what is true Forgive others Forgiveness Help with forgiveness influencer with perfect track record Jesus Jesus freak Jesus gifts Jesus loves Jesus loves you Love your neighbor's Mature Morning quiet time Quiet time with God Still small voice What would Jesus do Wisdom wwjd

What would Jesus do?
Do better Greatest commandment Jesus Love your neighbor's Prince of Peace What would Jesus do wwjd