News — Pointing towards faith
What Does It Mean That "God So Loved The World?"
a love like no other Christian Easter gift Daily devotion Death has no power death isn't final Devotion for today Easter cards Easter gifts for adults Easter gifts for kids Easter gifts for women Faith Faith gift Follow Jesus For God so loved the world God gave his son Jesus Jesus love John 3:16 love Pointing towards faith read God's word daily Reading his word refect Resurrection cards Share Jesus Share the good news Share the good news of Christ Strength through Christ the love of Jesus The name of Jesus Things to put in Easter basket's other than chocolate true love Truepost What to put in Easter baskets that's not chocolate Wisdom

For God so loved the world... What does this scripture mean? For me, it's a reminder that God's love is not self-centered, and that death has no power over me. It's the story of a love like no other! God paid the highest price possible to set me free from sin, as HE paid for my salvation with the life of HIS only son, Jesus.
For Mom's Who Rule The World
Daily devotion Devotion for today Do better Faith Fix your thoughts on what is true inspirational gifts Just for mom Just for mom's Mornings with God Mother's Day Pointing towards faith positive mindset Quiet time with God Reading his word Seek God not perfection self love Wisdom for women

Children absolutely imitate their parents and other adults they admire. W. R. Wallace, an American Poet, said it best... "The hand that rocks the cradle is the hand that rules the world." Poem: “The Hand That Rocks the Cradle Is the Hand That Rules the World” by W. R. Wallace | It's the Women, Not the Men! ( This is a powerful true statement and it makes me hyper aware of the most important role, we as women play, in the lives of our children. King Solomon, who wrote most of the book of Proverbs, was often called the wisest man who...
Push Towards, Not Away
Build relationships Crazy political posts emotional bank account Faith Negative social media posts Pointing towards faith Rethink negativity Truepost
In this crazy political season, if you really think that you're going to sway someone's opinion with a social media post, you might want to rethink that.