News — God's power
A Prayer for Israel
angel armies Be a light in the darkness Bring the hostages home change their hearts divine intervention God's power God's supernatural power Good over evil Hope and expectation In Jesus name Is anyone among you in trouble Israel's protection Let them pray Prayers for Israel prayers for protection Praying for Israel Protect the hostages protect the Jewish people Pure evil Pure evil poured out spiritual guidance supernatural trusting God wickedness lives

Seeing Growth From The Seeds You've Planted
Be faithful compass rose deepen the relationship with God developing a personal relationship with God Faith Faith gift God will take care of the miracles God's power inspirational gifts Jesus follower Jesus friend Pass it on peaceful heart plant seeds Plant some seeds Scripture cards for gift giving see growth Seed planting Seeing growth from the seeds you've planted Share faith Share the good news Share your faith the hope I've come to know Truepost Trust God when your uncomfortable sharing your faith Woman of faith

Why Forgiveness Is So Important
a love like no other ambassador for Christ Easter gifts for adults Easter gifts for women Faith Faith gift find his sheep Follow Jesus For God so loved the world Forgive others Forgiveness Gifts that encourage Gifts that inspire God loves you God's power Greatest commandment His power His strength not mine Holy Spirit hope How to forgive Jesus Jesus friend Jesus love Jesus loves you Keep the faith Let others see Jesus in me Lost and then found Lost sheep Love your neighbor's Pass it on Why forgiveness is important

Win the Battle
ambassador for Christ be better Christian responsibility Daily devotion Devotion for today Do better Faith God speaks through HIS word God's power God's weapons His power Holy Spirit hope love Mature Pray for others Prayer Prayer changes things read God's word daily Reading his word Satan's attacks Satan's strongholds win the battle of life