I have found myself asking this question allot lately...what would Jesus do?
“And HE will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.” Of all of these words that describe Jesus, “Prince of Peace,” is weighing heavy on my heart right now, as I continue to think about wwjd, if HE were walking through the streets of America on this very day?
I think HE would be heartbroken for sure, but I think HE might gather us all around. Maybe around a table to share a meal and some Jesus wisdom. I think like a “Wonderful Counselor” HE might ask us a few why, what, when and how questions, so HE could shine the light on our own behavior and get us digging in to the heart of the matter. HE wouldn’t point fingers, but instead he’d shed and spread light and a little Jesus love. I know HIS words would make us all want to do and be better!
I see HIM reminding us all that HE died for each of us and HE is heartbroken when HE sees us in such conflict with the people HE has called us to love... our neighbors. I believe HE might also suggest that the lack of peace we are experiencing in our communities right now might also be changed by a little conversation and a change in our own hearts. He’d might remind us of some of the childhood lessons we were taught in Sunday School. And... if we weren’t taught them, he’d share a few and ask us all to practice them each day. He’d remind us that we won’t always follow HIM perfectly, but when we fail, HE’s here for us. HE will forgive us, help us do better the next time and remind us that this is the answer to wwjd every time... “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.' This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' (Matthew 22:37-39) /collections/scripture-devotional-card-sets/products/self-love-scripture-devotional-card-set
I think Jesus might even sing us a little song too...
“Jesus loves the little children, all the children of the world. Red and yellow, black and white, they are precious in HIS sight. Jesus loves the little children of the world.”
I believe our “Mighty God” & “Everlasting Father” Jesus would say that wwjd will be a hard question to ask, but so worth answering! /collections/scripture-devotional-card-sets/products/follow-scripture-devotional-card-set
Lynda Pannelli, Truepost Founder