Have you ever read or heard something and it spoke to you so profoundly that it literally stopped you in your tracks? That happened to me this morning! I was reading and listening to a devotion by Kelly Martin Balarie https://www.facebook.com/kelly.balarie/videos/10157854799388333 . Here’s what she said that hit me over the head like a rock... “The bumps and the waits are often part of God's rebuilding process. Don't get dismayed by what things seem. Waits re-construct what is great. Bumps make way for God's building of a new thing.” Wow! So profound!
I’ve been building something new for two years now and there are days my brain feels like it is on overload. Nothing I’ve ever done has been harder or more rewarding, all at the same time. I can’t say I’ve ever felt like quitting or giving up, however there have been many days that I have felt completely overwhelmed and in way over my head. There’s just so much more to learn and each day there seems to be more added to the list! Kelly’s words gave me such a confident reminder, right when I needed it. Maybe you need it too!
What I'm also finding that’s really helping me embrace Kelly's words is prayer. Prayer doesn't just change things, it changes me. It changes my prospective and my mindset. It allows me that little pause to connect with the one that know much better than I do.
I'm in the habit of having daily conversations with God, trying to pray and talk to HIM about everything. Some days go better that others. I am finding though, that the process of praying is not complicated at all, nor should it be. It's just me talking to God all throughout the day, sharing my heart and asking for HIS guidance. It's about me giving HIM my dismay, my overload and my overwhelm, knowing that in my wait HE is building something new. I can go to HIM boldly, anytime of the day, knowing that HE hears my prayers and that he's working behind the scene on my behalf, even when I don't see it. I may be experiencing a few bumps, but God is using those bumps for a good purpose.
In the words of Kelly.... “bumps make way for God’s building of a new thing.” I'm excited about this new thing! FYI...If you're experiencing a bump in the road, you might just need a little FaceTime with God. There's no better way to prepare yourself for your new thing that may be just around the corner! collections/scripture-devotional-card-sets/products/praying-your-way-through-scripture-devotional-card-set
Lynda Pannelli, Truepost Founder
Thank you for this encouragement! The bumps have seemed to be more like mountains lately… How wonderful it is that I can give God all my worries, concerns and heartache! Blessings to you
A good reminder that God is always there and listenOmg to us.