It's always nice to see growth from the seeds you've planted, isn't it? I planted my first seeds for myself all those years ago, when I started writing scriptures on 3 x 5 cards and carrying them with me for encouragement. Those cards had such an impact on me developing a personal relationship with God. You can read more about my story here: ABOUT THE CREATOR, LYNDA PANNELLI – Truepost Inc.
My life has been so positively impacted and I've realized it's important to help others get to know the God I've come to know. It's truly why I'm so inspired daily to make Truepost a household name.
Have you ever actively wanted to share God’s wisdom and encouragement with friends and family, but you found yourself feeling unprepared and uncomfortable in expressing the faith and hope you've now come to know?
I get it… that was me for a very long time, after all isn't faith personal? Yes, but what I've learned is that I can be both prepared and confident because my job is to just be faithful in sharing and then let God handle the revelations and transformations. I just need to be faithful in planting those seeds.
Isn't that an awesome thought? I need to plant the seeds, plant the seeds, plant the seeds and let God take care making the miracles. I love it! I can do this! We all can.
If you're new to Truepost they're scripture cards for gift giving. Truepost Inc., Scripture Card Sets, Bible Study Cards, Devotional Keepsake gifts that invite others to meet God right in the middle of a struggle or celebration, creating a path for HIM to show up and provide the instruction. The perfect avenue for passing on the very best advice and wisdom right from God’s word and for planting those seeds of faith.
An encouraging and faith-based way to celebrate holiday's, life event's or just say thank you. Scripture Devotional Cards – Truepost Inc.
You’ll take the recipient on a beautiful journey, through powerful scriptures, striking photography, captivating devotions, plus a compass rose etched on the front and backside of each card... a reminder that God’s word is the compass for finding true peace this side of heaven.
Easily carried in a purse or a tote, and stunning displayed in a home or office. Truepost is a gift that will inspire, encourage, and point others towards faith. A gift that will help you see growth from the seeds you plant.
P.S. We not only provide stunning scripture cards for gift giving, but we also include with every order, a FREE set of our Mini Motivator scripture card sets, along with a message to pass it on to someone that needs a little encouraging. Let's all plant some seeds!