My devotion for today was very profound and one I thought might be helpful for other Christians to think about too.
Here's the scripture that made me pause: So, we are Christ's ambassadors; God is making HIS appeal through us. We speak for Christ when we plead, "Come back to God!" 2 Corinthians 5:20
As part of my study, I looked up the word ambassador, and that made me pause even more! What is an ambassador? (
Being an ambassador basically means that as Christians we are called to be an official messenger and representative of Jesus. In business terms, we are called to be the public face of HIS company. Gulp!
Putting it in terms that I'm the public face of Jesus' company and reading that God is making HIS appeal to others through me kind of stopped me in my tracks! I had to ask myself, "how are you doing with this?"
As I thought about it, I could honestly say that sometimes I am probably a pretty decent ambassador, but sometimes I fail miserably. Sometimes I'm, definitely not up to the task of being HIS official messenger or representative. How about you? How are you doing with this?
This scripture is definitely a reminder that as Christians we have a responsibility to live our lives in a way that draws people towards Jesus, not away from HIM. We must strive to not just believe in Jesus and admire HIM from a distance, but instead we should be following HIM.
God wants to show up mightily in all of our lives and work through us. He wants us to live in a way that will draw others to HIM... there are so many people out there living in the darkness. They know nothing of the love of Jesus.
As I completed my study for the morning, I thought to myself, "if I do more following and loving people the way Jesus did, and less trying to just follow a religion, more people might actually be drawn to Jesus too. They could be saved from the darkness they've been living in. For more scriptures and devotions on how to get in tune with heaven and follow Jesus more enthusiastically grab Follow, Scripture Devotional Cards – Truepost Inc..
How could our world change in a positive way if each of us, as Christian's, simply remember that in our homes, workplaces and neighborhood's we are the public face of Jesus' company? We could possibly be the reason someone chooses to follow HIM... or not.