
Two Things To Put in Easter Baskets Other Than Chocolate?

Christian Easter gift Easter cards Easter gifts for adults Easter gifts for kids Easter gifts for women inspirational gifts Jesus gifts Resurrection cards Super cute gifts Things to put in Easter basket's other than chocolate What to put in Easter baskets that's not chocolate

Two Things To Put in Easter Baskets Other Than Chocolate?

What two things can you put in your Easter basket's other than chocolate? Check it out! For your kiddos and any adults, how about these cuties? They'll say more than a chocolate bunny ever could and will be the perfect addition to every Easter basket!

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What's the Best Way to Deal With Grief?

Bereavement and grief Coping with grief Coping with loss Dealing with grief grief and loss how to deal with grief sympathy gifts

What's the Best Way to Deal With Grief?

Loss is hard! And everyone of us will experience it sooner or later, whether we like it or not. The death of someone close to us, a divorce, the loss of a job, a betrayal or even a financial loss.  Feelings of sadness, hopelessness, anger and utter despair are all very natural feelings when your grieving. All the questions, including "why did this happen?" "is there really a God who cares?" are also natural questions you'll find yourself asking. So what's the best way to deal with grief and begin working through the feelings and the questions? Start by being...

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7 Tips For Praying Powerful Prayers

How to pray powerful prayers Pray for forgiveness Pray for others Pray powerful prayers Prayer Prayer changes me Prayer changes things Quiet time Still small voice

7 Tips For Praying Powerful Prayers

How can you learn to pray powerful prayers? Try these 7 tips.

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5 Steps to a Morning Quiet Time

Build your faith Crazy faith Morning quiet time Quiet time Quiet time with God

5 Steps to a  Morning Quiet Time

Looking for simple tips to a morning quiet time routine? Here's my process and when repeated each day, you'll find you'll begin developing a much stronger relationship with God. One that's very personal and you simply won't want to start the day, without having your quiet time first!

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I Don't Do New Year's Resolutions

faith goals find the treasures Goal setting I don't do New Year's Resolutions Journaling New Year's Resolutions no more new year resolutions refect the year in review written goals

I Don't Do New Year's Resolutions

I'm ready to plan for the New Year, but I don’t do new years resolution’s. I do goal setting because "resolutions"  seem more like wishes, than real plans & I’m a systems girl. I like a plan! How about you?


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